Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Havelock landlord wins eviction case against tenants for non-payment of rent and maintenance issues, tenants owe $10,665.45.
Co-op in Welland, Ontario successfully evicts member for failure to pay rent, orders $9,387 in arrears.
Landlord wins personal use eviction in Hamilton, but tenant granted delayed move-out date.
Scarborough landlord awarded $884.51 for unpaid utility costs and application fees.
Oshawa tenant ordered to pay $5,926.88 or face eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, tenancy terminated.
Havelock landlord wins eviction case against tenants for non-payment of rent and maintenance issues, tenants owe $10,665.45.
Co-op in Welland, Ontario successfully evicts member for failure to pay rent, orders $9,387 in arrears.
Landlord wins personal use eviction in Hamilton, but tenant granted delayed move-out date.
Scarborough landlord awarded $884.51 for unpaid utility costs and application fees.
Oshawa tenant ordered to pay $5,926.88 or face eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, tenancy terminated.
Havelock landlord wins eviction case against tenants for non-payment of rent and maintenance issues, tenants owe $10,665.45.
Co-op in Welland, Ontario successfully evicts member for failure to pay rent, orders $9,387 in arrears.
Landlord wins personal use eviction in Hamilton, but tenant granted delayed move-out date.
Scarborough landlord awarded $884.51 for unpaid utility costs and application fees.
Oshawa tenant ordered to pay $5,926.88 or face eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, tenancy terminated.
Havelock landlord wins eviction case against tenants for non-payment of rent and maintenance issues, tenants owe $10,665.45.
Co-op in Welland, Ontario successfully evicts member for failure to pay rent, orders $9,387 in arrears.
Landlord wins personal use eviction in Hamilton, but tenant granted delayed move-out date.
Scarborough landlord awarded $884.51 for unpaid utility costs and application fees.
Oshawa tenant ordered to pay $5,926.88 or face eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, tenancy terminated.
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Landlord Win Rate: 92.86%
Landlord Win Rate: 64.29%
Landlord Win Rate: 42.86%
Landlord Win Rate: 46.15%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 40%
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